If you have decided on United Fence Co. for your fence installation in Salt Lake City, we’re thrilled! There are a few items, however, that you should prepare before picking up the phone. If you don’t have these items ready, we will be happy to talk with you and tell you what you need to do. But if you are prepared before you call, we can make a bid that much faster.
Do you want to fence your front yard to keep your dog out of the road? Are you fencing a supplies yard in an industrial area? Are you planning an RV enclosure? We might recommend a different fence type for each of these scenarios, so be prepared to describe the intended use of your fence.
Most of our customers choose classic chain link fence, but that may not be your style. Maybe you dream of the privacy of a solid vinyl fence, or maybe an ornate iron or aluminum fence catches your fancy. Whatever the case, make sure to mention which fencing type you’d prefer, and we’ll help you decide if that fence fits best with all the other factors in consideration.
This will directly affect the price. We will take precise measurements before installing anything, but an approximate figure is helpful for getting an initial idea of cost. If you don’t want to measure the area with a tape measure, try looking up the property lines; this may be a quick way to get the perimeter of the area you want to fence. If this is not an easy option, go outside and pace it off. Take a giant step, and then measure it. Once you’ve giant-stepped across the whole area, a little multiplication will get you into the ballpark.
If you have a limited budget, we urge you to consider chain link. It is our most affordable fencing option and a popular choice across the state. If you have a little more to spend, vinyl, ironwork and aluminum are excellent choices as well.
If you’re partitioning your yard, existing sprinklers are a serious concern. If you’re building a fence between you and your neighbors, you need to be crystal clear on whose property you are building. If you are not absolutely, 100 percent certain of the property line, you need to check with the county before planning any changes to your fencing. The same goes for commercial areas.
Preparing these five pieces of information will speed up the bidding process and put you on the fast track to a beautiful new fence!